Dup (aka “reopen”)

The missing piece: How to connect a pipe to either stdin or stdout?

This is the system call dup2, see man 2 dup2. In Ruby, this is called reopen.


File 08_dup/basic_dup.rb:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

readMe, writeMe = IO.pipe

child_pid = fork

if child_pid.nil?
  $stderr.puts "Child is at #{Process.pid}"


  # Close $stdin, and reopen it to be a copy of readMe:
  $stdin.reopen(readMe) # The system call is dup2.

  # One is enough:

  # Now whatever the parent writes to its end of the pipe
  # becomes the input of our process.

  # Dump that input:
  exec 'od', '-c'

writeMe.puts "\0\t\nhello\vworld.\n"

Process.wait child_pid
raise "od had a problem" unless $?.success?

Output is:

Child is at 1948
0000000  \0  \t  \n   h   e   l   l   o  \v   w   o   r   l   d   .  \n

Programm ran successfully.


To produce some output, this program counts to stdout:

File 08_dup/count_to_1m.rb:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

(1..1000000).each do |i|

This program copies everything from stdin to stdout, with the exception of the 20001st byte, which is deviously changed slightly:

File 08_dup/distort_after_20k.rb:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

# copy 20000 byte,
# then change one byte,
# then copy the rest.

if (buf = $stdin.read(20000))
  $stdout.write buf
  if c = $stdin.getbyte
    $stdout.putc(c ^ 3)
    while buf = $stdin.read(2 ** 16)
      $stdout.write buf

Now, consider the pipeline

./count_to_1m.rb | gzip | ./distort_after_20k.rb | zcat | wc

(You can use other packers such as bzip2 or xz.)

It produces the output:

gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--crc error
1000000 1000000 6888896

The zcat clearly knows there is a problem, but the pipeline as a whole succeeds. The wc gets wrong input.

Replace this shell pipeline with a driver script that fails cleanly if any of the constituents fail (not just the last, as the shell does).


I recommended spawn and system earlier. It is possible to supply them with IO-reopen information, often making it unnecessary to call pipe and reopen.

There is also a convenience function popen that makes it easy to do IO to and from some command.

Suggested research

Have a look into

  • Non-blocking IO

  • Inetd

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